Hidden Hills

Hidden Hills

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

April 11th: Alternator, Tractor, Port-a-potty

   Today we had 3 goals.

1. Install new alternator on 6X6 truck
2. Find a good location for port-a-potties
3. Fix tractor (small misfiring problem)

 1:  Zach woke up early and got the new alternator installed in less than an hour. Check.

2: With the help of my dad, Zach loaded the 2 potties onto a 4x8 trailer that I found for free on Craigslist a year ago. They fit snug as a bug in a rug! It could not have been more perfect.


The drive up there was smooth sailing except for the last two miles... which were treacherous. I was having a mild panic attack the entire time. I'm so glad my mom was taking pictures to document everything this weekend! She's the best!


 After getting up to Hidden Hills, we decided the best place to keep them was against the back side of the shed.  My dad brought some round pavers to use as support and to level the commodes. Zach also brought up a water tank that he had found in the desert in Las Vegas. He cut the top and one side off. This will be our rustic outdoor shower. We will put a curtain between the two commodes to seal the deal. There is a drainage spout you can see at the bottom of the tank. We will  attach some hosing and run it downhill away from the shed and commodes so that the water from the showers wont ruin or compromise the stability of the shed and toilets.

You may be thinking this is "roughin it"... but trust me! These babies are awesome!  These are environmentally friendly, easy to maintain, and virtually have no smell. You can check out their Facebook page by clicking HERE! This was by far one of the best additions to the land yet ;-)  The gray tub is filled with sawdust that you sprinkle on top of whatever you have deposited. It's that easy.


 3. Zach found a wire that had become disconnected. He fixed it, and the tractor was running 5 minutes later. So we chipped and chipped and chipped some more! We made a few more campsites ridiculously comfortable with 3-4 inches of chipping as a base. It's so soft, you'd be better off sleeping on the ground in those areas, rather than sleeping on a cot!


This nephew of ours is amazing. He comes up EVERY POSSIBLE WEEKEND with us, and he is a workhorse!! He is like an energizer bunny! We love Simon!!! 

I spent the majority of the day emptying the shed, laying wood chips down, and reorganizing our rapidly growing bundle of supplies! Our long time family friend Lisa and her son Rafael came up as well, and Lisa was an organizing monster! I am so grateful for her help... because my pregnant brain stops running on all cylinders after about 10 am :)

My mom was busy ALL DAY, helping with the shed, taking, pictures, making meals, and jotting down notes. She really has a knack for this outdoor adventure, and thinks of the handiest tools or equipment to add to the "Next Time We Come Up We Need To Bring XXXXXX" list. Half of the reason things have been running so smoothly is because she has been scrounging and digging through second hand stores and garage sales for useful and VERY discounted items. We would be chopped liver without her!

Work-A-Holic. That's my dad. He'll be 65 in a few weeks but he works like he's still in his 30's. Between him and my mom, I have no chance of ever really relaxing. It's in my DNA to work from sunup to sundown... and unfortunately I love every second of it. I have the hardest time putting on the brakes and calling it quits. It's a good thing we don't have anything more than headlights... or we really would work into the night!

 Every time we visit these mountains, and are surrounded by supporting friends and family I am reminded of how much God loves us. He has put all of these wonderful people in our lives and we couldn't be more grateful. 

Don't ever forget... God is good... ALL the time.

Over and out. 

 Today's Guest List:
Our Crew
Simon Hulet
Mike Headlee
Pam Headlee
Lisa Bliss

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